Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Caught Pants Down
You wake up feeling refreshed. A new day, a new--- wait !  Your favorite pair of pants is missing. Darting up from bed you hear a noise outside. A woman is wearing them and looking straight at you. What do you do?

I yawned, of course!  And stretched!  What a beautiful day!  Last night I actually slept with the window open so now I could hear the birds chirping and singing.  I looked up in the trees and could see them flitting from branch to branch, tree to tree.  I swung my legs over the side of the bed and reached for my comfortable, well worn cutoffs that I had folded up on the chair by the bed.  I remembered I tucked my calendar page for the day in the front pocket when I had worked those overtime hours last night.  But they weren't there!  Where did I put them?

Just then I heard a yell outside. What in the world?  There was my mother, wearing MY cutoffs!  She had a fishing pole slung over her shoulder and a big grin on her face.  "Come on, lazy bones!  It's Saturday morning!  We have to get to the river right now!" 

She must have had a nervous breakdown.  My mother never wore ANYTHING that wasn't prim, proper and freshly ironed.  I had to look for another pair of pants and get out there to see if she was all right!

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