Thursday, March 26, 2015

Scavenger Hunt

You're involved in a scavenger hunt—boys versus girls—and you take off to help your team collect every item on the list. The first several items are relatively easy but the last item is very unusual. But, upon reading the last item, you know exactly where to find it. The only problem is that it...

We were looking forward to the scavenger hunt when we went to a "fun night for grownups" at the church.  Pairing up into teams, we anxiously grabbed the lists, knowing that we could find each item with no problem. 
A rubbing from a family gravestone?  check.  A copy of last week's county newspaper?  A visit to a local "hoarder" made that easy.  A unique pair of salt and pepper shakers?  Someone's grandma collected chickens in her kitchen.  Took care of that.  A dog kennel?  We got to the friend's house where we knew this would be portable and "borrowable" just minutes before the guys got there.  A single homemade cookie?  After we knocked on six doors, we obtained a Snickerdoodle from a lady's freezer! An old wedding photo?  One of our teammates had one in her purse, thinking she was going to get copies made for her children in the near future.  A lawn chair?  Easy peasy.  A piece of old sheet music?  Found one in the church library.  A pocket knife with at least six blades?  Someone knew someone who knew someone that carried one!  And finally, we had to borrow a MAMMAL-- not a bird nor a fish -- who had been stuffed by a taxidermist.  We knew of a few but they were mighty big.  And lots of people had deer heads but that wasn't a whole animal.  The local museum was closed and off limits.  But then.... Mary remembered that her neighbors had their favorite cat freeze dried and stuffed.  However, they were gone for the winter.  Who would be able to open the house so we could borrow the cat?  Cell phones were dragged out, phone books consulted, and calls were made.  No luck. And then....Amelia shouted "I know!  Get in the car!"  Off we went to the owner of a hardware/hunting store.  When we explained our mission, Joe McCarthy laughed and got in the car with us.  Down to the store, we zipped.  He opened the door and said, "Anything you can carry, you can bring down to the church!"  We looked at deer, at elk, at wolves, at foxes.  Too big.  Just then, Mary spied a small prairie dog in a glass case close to the floor where kids could look.  "How about this?"  "Sure!"  He opened the case, Amelia found a large handkerchief in her purse, and off we went (with Joe in the car!) to the church.
 Rushing into the fellowship hall, brandishing all our items, we were ready to claim our prize!  Until we saw the row of smiling fellows, looking at a mangy raccoon that had been languishing in Bill's attic for (obviously) many, many years. 
What fun!  We learned a lot about our little town in that fall evening!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Caught Pants Down
You wake up feeling refreshed. A new day, a new--- wait !  Your favorite pair of pants is missing. Darting up from bed you hear a noise outside. A woman is wearing them and looking straight at you. What do you do?

I yawned, of course!  And stretched!  What a beautiful day!  Last night I actually slept with the window open so now I could hear the birds chirping and singing.  I looked up in the trees and could see them flitting from branch to branch, tree to tree.  I swung my legs over the side of the bed and reached for my comfortable, well worn cutoffs that I had folded up on the chair by the bed.  I remembered I tucked my calendar page for the day in the front pocket when I had worked those overtime hours last night.  But they weren't there!  Where did I put them?

Just then I heard a yell outside. What in the world?  There was my mother, wearing MY cutoffs!  She had a fishing pole slung over her shoulder and a big grin on her face.  "Come on, lazy bones!  It's Saturday morning!  We have to get to the river right now!" 

She must have had a nervous breakdown.  My mother never wore ANYTHING that wasn't prim, proper and freshly ironed.  I had to look for another pair of pants and get out there to see if she was all right!