Sunday, February 28, 2016

Creative Writing feb 26 2016

How Sweet It Is 
            Closing the door to the accounting office securely, Doris took a deep breath as she began walking down the street.  It had been a long day and prospects for a quiet evening looked very good, unfortunately.  Main Street was busy; school was out and traffic on the streets and sidewalks was picking up.  Passing several shops, she stopped to look in the bakery window, eyeing the seven layer chocolate cake that beckoned to her but she tried valiantly to ignore the call.  “Oh heck,” she said, “I might as well take a look.”  Shifting her heavy leather briefcase from one shoulder to the other, she opened the door and grimaced slightly when the bells on the door began to ring.
            “Hi, Doris!  What do you want to try today?”  Antonio called out.
            “Oh, I’m just looking!  You know I shouldn’t eat the desserts in here no matter how beautiful they are.”
            “Aw, c’mon.  How about if I give you a taste of this persimmon gumdrop cookie?  Or just a bite of this peanut butter brownie?  I know you’d like to try a slice of the chocolate cake…”
            Antonio Solarzo was one of the kindest men in town.  Easy on the eyes, too.  Was it just his Italian heritage that made him look so appealing?  Or was it the dark brown curly hair that always seemed to be falling over his forehead, covering those dark expressive eyebrows?  Or could it be the fact that his bakery creations were so wonderful?  Doris wondered how many times she had stopped in to The Village Bakery hoping that Antonio would ask her a few more questions about something other than food.  Vowing not to succumb to the aroma of fresh bread and cherry pie, she found a chair by one of the small round tables near the back room, set her briefcase on the table and plopped down with a sigh. 
            “I think I’ll have some coffee…. And maybe just a little of that brownie.”  She stepped over to the counter to pick up her order.  The bakery was such a friendly place with people stopping in to take a sweet treat home or sit down and enjoy a piece of baked goods with some local camaraderie. 
            “I’ll bring it over to you, Doris.  I bet you have had a busy day at the office, especially this time of year.  You need to take some time to relax!”  Antonio set her coffee and brownie on the table, looking like he would like to say more but he went back to work.
            A group of casually dressed men were sitting at another table, talking and obviously laughing at a story that one of them had just told.  Suddenly, one of the men started to cough, then choke.  He leaned forward, trying to get his breath but looked to be in distress.  His face was turning red, then almost purple.  The other men stopped talking; one of them got up and just looked at his friend.  Antonio rushed over from behind the glass case of baked goods.  “Get him up!” he said to the fellow next to him. Antonio moved behind the choking man, put his arms around the man’s torso, clasped his hands together and gave a sharp push.  Part of a jelly donut flew across the room and the man began to breathe normally, his color coming back. “Wow.  Thought I was a “goner.”  Antonio released him and they both sat down, smiling at one another. 
            “First time for everything, I guess.  Always read about a person having to do that but I never thought it would be my turn to help someone.  I’m glad you are ok.”  Antonio began to breathe more comfortably, too, as he walked back into the baking area.
            Doris got up, shaking slightly but walking deliberately around the glass case, and stood by Antonio.  “You really ARE my hero today!”she said.  “How would you like to join me for dinner at the Wild Rice Emporium this evening?”

            “Yes!” he said as he punched the air with his fist.  “I thought you’d never ask!!”